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  • 1. What is the core purpose of the MTTC?
    We offer tools for change. We wish to create Agents of Change, both inner and outer. Mindfulness practices serve as pillars of support. You can adapt mindfulness to your areas of expertise. As a Mindfulness Teacher, you will have an important skill related to your work, service and knowledge to benefit others. Businesses, institutions and centres in the public and private sector welcome mindfulness classes/workshops for the staff/clients/schools/hospitals and more. You may have the opportunity to offer classes where you work or previously worked. You can also offer classes from your home or a rented room near where you live.
  • 2. What does the MTTC offer?
    The MTTC offers residential programs ranging from a long weekend to a weeklong for transformation and empowerment. The MTTC will generate a depth of sharing and communication. MTTC will offer a unique programme to bring the best out of a human being. There will be online guidance with the opportunity for video conferencing. Participants can choose whether to become a Mindfulness Teacher with an MTTC Certification or learn lifelong skills for personal development. We will also provide a Certificate for completing the first module. We will provide you with a range of mindfulness/meditation practices, as mindfulness of breathing, postures, body scan, loving kindness meditations and bring to daily life experiences.
  • 3. Is there a key feature of the MTTC?
    We offer tools for change. The course addresses five main themes - mindfulness, tools, lifestyle, communication and leadership. Right from the start, we will offer training to develop the power of your voice. Participants will learn to exercise their authority to speak in front of others, give talks and answer questions. Participants will receive guidance on the tone of voice, construction of language, content and the communication of authority.
  • 4. Why is the history of the MTTC and its primary purpose?
    Between 2011 and 2016, we offered 12-month mindfulness training courses (MTC). More than 350 participated during the five years. In 2016, we prepared the first MTTC, which started the following year in Germany and Israel. MTTC has provided training for around 240 people so far. We believe caring people have the potential to become Agents of Change. This will require a depth of mindfulness of issues, dedication, and development of wise skills, as well as self-knowledge. The MTTC will contribute to a skilful approach to inner and outer work.
  • 5. How does MTTC differ from other mindfulness courses?
    We encourage participants to explore creative ways to apply and teach mindfulness. You can link mindfulness to knowledge, life experience, roles, livelihood and more. The MTTC intends to take participants to a new level of human potential. We offer a course with a depth of exploration to open the heart and mind to profound insights and wisdom. We will also make wise authority/leadership as an important focus. The two primary teachers have devoted decades between them attending to the needs of people and challenging issues. We offer a depth of exploration. There is a registration cost for each module of six months and then a monthly request for a donation to support our work and living costs.
  • 6. Will the MTTC use Buddhist language?
    We will use secular language throughout. The course will be free from religious/spiritual language. Participants will use their discretion in terms of the use of religious/spiritual language in daily life. MTTC addresses issues of suffering, personally, socially and in our institutions. The course points the way to resolving problematic life.
  • 7. Do I need to have attended Buddhist retreats before joining the MTTC?
    No. The MTTC does not require retreat experience to join the Course. We invite people committed to inner and outer change. The Course is suitable for people who are emotionally stable, caring and wish to support the welfare of others. Retreats and pilgrimages have the potential to support a life of wisdom and compassion.
  • 8. How much contact will participants have with the teachers?
    Participants can have personal contact with the teachers via email, WhatsApp, Skype or Zoom to support the practice and application.
  • 9. Christopher is the founder of the MTTC and senior teacher. How much will he be available?
    Christopher will attend all weekend Zoom sessions, the residential teaching in Germany and non-residential England. Nshorna will deliver teachings at the start of Module 2 alongside Christopher. Assistant teachers will support the training. There will be the opportunity for e-mail contact with teachers and assistant teachers during Module 1 and 2.
  • 10. Will there be an opportunity to explore ideas to help become Agents of Change?
    Yes. We will encourage and explore critical issues, inner and outer. We wish to empower all participants to address issues in daily life. MTTC will include: In alphabetical order Action Death Ego Environment Family Health Identity Lifestyle Love, Media Money Nature Relationships Spiritual Experiences Ideas/Reflections/Mindfulness/Meditation/Insights have validity if applied. Participants will take notes and address the application of ideas/insights. We will explore ways for Agents of Change to work together.
  • 11. Will participants support each other?
    Yes. The participants will meet in small online groups to practice with each other monthly. There is also opportunity for plenty of discussions and of course meeting in person during two of the months.
  • 12. What are the commitments after the initial residential retreat?
    The trainee is required to attend a minimum of 80% of all teachings/meetings. For module 2, submission of your portfolio is required alongside successful deliverance of your teachings in your community or online.
  • 13. Will everyone receive a certificate?
    We will provide a certificate to each participant providing that you have completed 80% or more of the MTTC in both modules. Please note, completion of Module I does not authorise you to teach mindfulness to others. The training in Module 1 will give immense support to your daily life. To become a Mindfulness Teacher, you will need to complete Module 2. You will then receive our MTTC certificate.
  • 14. Is there anything participants can do before the MTTC starts?
    Yes. Go to any classes, workshops, retreats that you sense will support mindfulness and insights. Maximise your time outdoors in nature. Keep a journal detailing your experiences, qualities, and limitations. Find a person or group with whom you can share your experiences. Read essays/books and listen to audio/YouTube on the development of a wise and compassionate life.
  • 15. Can you be more specific about what I will need to include in the portfolio in module 2?
    Your Portfolio can include: Evidence of the Mindfulness Course you provided, e.g., videos, pictures, audio recordings. Planning details of classes/themes. Client assessments/registration forms Any promotional material Planning of course content Regular written reflections on own practice Identifying areas for development and steps you take to achieve this. Feedback forms from participants in your course, including constructive criticism. Risk assessments/considerations of those attending a class or course with you. Issues you encountered and how you overcome them. Evaluation of our course. What went well? What will you develop? Areas you identify that require further knowledge/training/skills.
  • 16. Will MTTC assess my portfolio on English grammar, punctuation, and spelling?
    No. The purpose of the portfolio is for us to assess the mindfulness support that you can give to others. You can be creative with how you deliver your portfolio and we encourage you to use a range of resources such as audio clips, videos, pictures.
  • 17. Why the change to the two-module approach?
    We felt the course structure needed to change to allow options for people to attend the MTTC. Some wish to teach mindfulness as a service including in a professional capacity. Others wish to develop the skills learnt in mindfulness to implement for the wellbeing of themselves and others. Some wish to become a Mindfulness Teacher at a later stage.
  • 18. What is the role of invited guest teachers?
    Guest teachers will offer a 60-minute session once a fortnight between Monday and Friday starting at 20.00 (CET). The guest teacher will decide how the time is used. They may also listen to small group meetings from time to time and give a response in closing minutes. We will offer guest teaches a donation from the registration cost.
  • 19. Why do you request a registration charge and donations instead of a fixed fee for the six months or 12 months?
    We share a primary purpose of offering a service, affordable and deep in content. Both of us remain realistic to cover daily life expenses and support for the family. Our approach belongs to a 2500-year-old tradition of relying primarily on donations (dana in the Buddhist tradition). This expresses our trust in your ongoing support through the year and your willingness to respond. We looked at the prices of other yearlong mindfulness training courses. From our Google search, cost of courses ranged from €2200 up to €8000. We review MTTC finances year by year. MTTC may offer the most affordable comprehensive training available worldwide.

Christopher Titmuss - The Buddha Wallah

A Buddhist perspective on social, political and global issues.
Mindfulness, meditation and wisdom for daily life.
Updates of teaching schedule - online and in person.

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